About MSI

We aren’t just experts. We set the standard.

At Media Science International, we are pioneers in the creation of next-generation technologies to support secure, streamlined digital delivery of your high-value media files.
We specialize in Digital Watermarking Solutions supporting and administering the RIAA Watermarking Standard. Our innovative watermarking technologies are favored by all the major record labels, whether through our proprietary StudioCDN product or within their own digital delivery implementations.

MSI has a proven track record of creating comprehensive, customized solutions for secure media delivery, that support our customers through the entire production life cycle. From protecting rough mixes and edits, to publicity copies, to wide-spread promotional assets through final distribution and beyond, our solutions create peace-of-mind through detailed anti-piracy forensics and fully-integrated asset tracking.

We understand that your files are your greatest assets. It’s our mission to protect those assets. When today’s top creative artists seek content security, they turn to StudioCDN, and to Media Science International.